Wednesday, January 11, 2006
With all the things happening in this wide world...

This is what is featured on CNN, FoxNews, Drudge, and countless other "news" sources. Brad and Angelina (Brangelina) are pregnant. First of all, they were all beaten to the scoop by a British tabloid weeks ago. There's been speculation for at least six weeks. I guess the difference is that the publicists for both actors finally confirmed it. But is this really news?

To be honest, for pop culture junkies like me it is. But then I appreciate the difference between real news and this crap. National news sources seem to be blurring the lines.

As for the news itself...congrats to them. If it's a lucky baby it will draw the best features out of the gene pool. It could be one incredible looking individual. Well just hope for a healthy baby. I'm sure Angelina will be another one who won't gain anything but a bump. I'm glad we have celebrities to show us how it should be done. :p