Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Daddy photos
I had a board meeting tonight so Daddy was on evening duty. He was left with instructions to take some pictures for my blog. He did learn a lesson about holding the camera sideways to take movies. We all learn that one pretty quick.

She's discovered another wonderful way to get our attention fast. Here's how evil I am. The first time she did this, she kept pulling the vertical ones out. On top of them were three DVDs stacked horizontally. Instead of stopping her when I knew the three were going to fall on her head, I let her keep going. I say I let her, I kept telling her "no" I just didn't physically stop her. When those three DVDs came crashing down on her she was a bit upset. She didn't mess with the DVDs for a while after that. Yeah, I really did that.

All we need is wheels on the chair for an awesome riding mower!