Thursday, March 23, 2006
After-work Fun
Popi was through town today on business so we went by the store to see him after work. We visited briefly and then decided to walk down to the library to kill time. The first thing she likes to do is find the mat squares and punch out the numbers in every one. And with every one she punches out I have to tell her, No! not in your mouth!

Today she discovered that she can climb into the chairs herself. I think this is the first pop-up book she's ever seen too.

The display in their glass case was of Russian nesting dolls. I thought it was a beautiful display and wish I had some nesting dolls as pretty as those. The lady who put in the display adopted a child from Russia a few years before Emma was born. I remember hearing about when they'd picked up Sophie and actually getting tears in my eyes at how wonderful it was that they were finally going to have a child to love.

Here's Emma on the walk back to the store...