These suckers are the be-all, end-all right now. The first few times we gave her one during bath time she threw a major crying fit when bath was over and it was time to take the crayon away. Finally Daddy was able to convince Emma that she'd get to play with them for every bath; that the crayon would be there next time. One time he set Emma in the bath and went to hand her the crayon. Before he released it he decided that he needed to move the crayon up in the case so more was exposed. Except he couldn't see what I was seeing...the delay of just a few seconds in giving Emma the crayon enraged and upset her so badly that when he finally gave it to her she wouldn't take it. She was beside herself. I could just tell that Daddy was playing with fire, but he didn't realize it until it was too late. The only thing that brought her down from her hysterical fit was when I dropped a second crayon in her lap. Somehow that was OK to take.