I guess it's self-apparent that I don't have much to say lately. Sorry about that. Life has been mostly work and I'm pretty tired all the time. So what kind of updates can I give you?
-Sopranos are back. My last hurrah with appointment television. Oh, except South Park starts new episodes this week too. Damn, now that's two nights I have to watch shows. See how it is?
-Taxes still aren't done. Sigh.
-Emma is now crushing her crackers, or just about anything crushable you give her to eat. First she'll poke it with a finger till she's crushed the middle. Then she grabs a handful of pieces and squeezes them. In the good news department she willingly picked up green beans and ate them for the first time in a month.
-We leave for vacation two weeks from tomorrow. I haven't started the first list.
-Emma will clearly say "kitty cat" on occasion. But she still doesn't say much.
-Emma's nose was running when I dropped her off this morning and it was running when I picked her up. I asked Mary if it had been running all day. She said yes, and hers (Mary's) was too. Uh oh. I told her that Emma wouldn't be there tomorrow so if she was going to be sick please do it tomorrow. ;)