Emma was sick today. I think. Her nose was running out of control and one eye was kind of weepy. Then this morning as Daddy was heading out the door for work, she puked. Milk, or more accurately, cottage cheesy stuff. She spewed about four times, hitting the living room carpet in a couple of places and nailing her box of blocks. Daddy didn't blink an eye, he took of his coat, went upstairs to get the Little Green machine and started cleaning the carpet. Meanwhile I changed Emma's clothes and took her blocks into the bathroom to clean them in the tub. Fun.
She was pale after that. I decided to keep her on water the rest of the day. She showed no particular interest in lunch or the food I offered at 3:30 p.m. But strangely enough, she was Ms. Personality today. She didn't seem phased a bit to be leaking bodily fluids. Daddy did bring us home some pedialyte, so I hope we can replace what she lost.