I got a call at work from Mary around 3:45 p.m. that Emma had just thrown up all over everything. Oh boy. I thought we were in the clear. It took me while to reach M. and he went on over there to pick her up and bring her to me, where I had a bag packed of her clothes. Emma and I were planning to head to Noni and Popis after work. When they arrived Emma seemed fine. Wanted to play. So we changed her into fresh clothes (she was wearing some clean clothes from her diaper bag, but unfortunately they were 12 mo.) Sometime after getting the call my tummy started to feel odd. At first I thought it was just power of suggestion. By the time we arrived at Noni and Popis I felt like crap. I ate a little bit but didn't really want to. By 8:30 I was in bed because laying down provided the most relief to my aching stomach. I got the bug for sure. Right on schedule according to Shawnie's estimate.
Four mountains away M. was puking his guts out too. I only wished I could throw up. Then I might have felt some relief, but no. By about 11:00, with a heating pad in my bed, I was able to fall asleep.
Today I was slow to start on food again. It just didn't hold any appeal. I got bold for lunch and ordered a chicken nugget kids meal each for Emma and me. At the end of lunch we'd eaten two nuggets and no french fries. At least we got toys out of the deal. Supper was chicken noodle soup. So far so good.
Here's baby girl on Noni's counter last night:
Here I was trying to get a picture of her jutting out her chin like she's been doing lately. I had marginal success.
Oh, and definitely no pink eye.