Friday, April 07, 2006
First German food
It should come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog that our first meal in Germany was Taco Bell. But only because we happened to be doing chores on base at lunchtime and ate at the food court.

Tonight we went out for real German food. I cannot remember the name of the restaurant but B. refers to it as Bigger Than Your Head Schnitzel. And he wasn't kidding. I'm including this picture of Gingey on my blog (instead of sending in to Jamie) for scale and because it's not necessarily a good example for Gingey to be hitting the beer already. We'll have better pictures for Jacob. I got my schnitzel plainert. There were four menu pages of schnitzel to choose from but it was all in German and I was afraid of blindly choosing some sauce that would ruin my meal for me. I think the truth is that my schnitzel was As Wide As My Pelvis Schnitzel. There is plenty left over in the refrigerator. I did much better than my brother whose Chicken Cordon Bleu was as big as his butt cheek.

If Gingey doesn't give you a good idea of the scale of that plate and the food, just look at the standard size knife beside the plate.