Thursday, April 13, 2006
Noni's Emma Report - Day 7
Hi Mommy and Daddy,

I started off my day today with a smile as usual. The weather was suppose to be nice and warm today, like yesterday, so Noni dressed me in one of my new shorts outfits you packed for me. Since we know how much you like purple, we chose that one. Don't you like the way it looks on me. I do. Noni and Popi raved about how cute I looked in shorts. I think they like to see my legs. Noni talked about how pretty my little legs are.

I had another good day at the babysitter's. When Noni came to pick me up, I was so happy to see her.

We came home and Noni pushed me on the swing for a while and then we walked around the yard. We heard some funny noise, Noni said it was some kind of siren, and we saw a truck with flashing lights up at the corner from Noni and Popi's house. We started walking up to see what was going on, but we saw Popi's car waiting to cross the intersection, so we just waited for him to come home. He said he thought an accident had happened. I hope no one was hurt.

I played with all my toys again for a while. Popi asked me to help him fill his bird feeder so I went along to help him. His birds are eating a lot of birdseed very, very fast. We walked around outside for a while until supper was ready.

Noni had fixed us spaghetti and she fixed me some broccoli (which I just loved) and had some applesauce too. I ate very well and then I was trying to tell them something I wanted on the table and I got real aggitated when they didn't understand. They tried hard though. They showed me everything on the table, but nothing was right. Finally they let me down and I went to the bedroom and asked for my pacie and Tigger. Noni thought I might be really tired so she went ahead and gave me a bath. I wasn't much interested in my bath, so she hurried it up and got me all dressed and ready for bed.

It was a bit early to put me to bed, so she and I went downstairs and she put on an Elmo DVD for me to watch. I sat very quietly in her lap and watched it for a while. Then I got up and started to play with a few things and watch the show at the same time. Popi came down after a little while and watched the show too. He asked me if I was ready for bed and I just laid down on the floor like I was going to go to sleep. He decided I was really, really tired so he put me to bed after Noni kissed me goodnight.

I finally finished my medicine today and I didn't seem to have much of a runny nose today. I hope all of that is finally going away.

I love you and miss you,

(P.S. from Noni - Emma was asleep within 2 minutes after Popi tucked her in. I just think she was very tired.)
