of bad parenting or indifferent supervision? You be the judge. Here is my child playing with empty (I think) kerosene canisters. Nice, huh? The goal with the little canisters was to put rocks in the top. Then she decided she needed to move dirt from the plant pot to the top of the large kerosene canisters. Her dirt-moving tool? A lighter. I'm pretty sure it was childproof. It struck me about halfway through the process what she was using and that it could be a potentially dangerous situation. Of all the hazards you are warned about when you have a baby/toddler, it's the ones you'd never dream of that will get ya. I swear it looks like she's trying to use the lighter to light the canister, but what she's really doing is using it to dump dirt.
UPDATE: I am an idiot and have suffered a brain fart in this post. These are all propane tanks. Apologies to Hank Hill.