I have a bunch of posts with pictures to catch up on but Blogger photo uploading isn't working now. I'll try again later.
Meanwhile...it's been a busy 24 hours. I never got to post last night because I drove to Dulles International Airport to pick up Noni and Popi. Their flight from Frankfurt was delayed five hours so they got to spend seven hours in that hellhole. Aunt K. was able to get them another connecting flight from Detroit to Dulles, but they wouldn't be arriving till 10:40 p.m. So they missed their ride home. Aunt K. also reserved a rental car for them but the more I thought about it, the more I thought it sounded like a bad idea. They would be way too tired and wasted to be making the two hour drive home after 11:00 p.m. So I decided the safest thing would be for me to go get them. Plus it saved them $121 and having to return the car to a local airport the next day.
Emma and I drove the 1 1/2 to their house first. I attempted to feed her supper, let her play for a bit, did her bath and laid her down around 7:45 p.m. At 8:30 I grabbed her up and put her in the car for the trip to Dulles, thinking she would go to sleep for the ride. NOT. She alternately chattered, whined, sang, cursed and screamed the whole way up there. She FINALLY fell asleep in Manassas, 20 minutes from our destination. Oy.
After we picked up Noni and Popi and headed home Emma played in the back with Noni. That child never went to sleep until we were home, nearly 1:30 a.m. Needless to say, today has been a barrel of laughs.
Emma also has a rash on the back of her arm that concerns me. I made an appointment to have it checked at 3:00 p.m. today. Basically they gave me the go ahead to try hydrocortizone and we'll see if that helps. It doesn't seem to bother her in the least, she's not scratching it or paying it any mind. But the rash continues to grow. Now we'll see if the medicine helps.