We put our name on the waiting list in 2001. We signed up on a whim while attending a game, figuring we'd be waiting till retirement for the call. I guess that was the case in the old RFK days. Under Daniel Snyder's regime there seems to be a lot more turnover of seats. Plus, FedEx field is so much larger. Anyway, I got notice that we were near the top of the list in December. I had to send them a $100 deposit to hold the seats and we'd get an invoice in May.
There were some problems with our fascist local post office and it took us forever to get our invoice. Our seats were section 407, seats 3 and 4, row 28. In other words, we were two rows from heaven. There was only one row higher than us in the whole stadium. Frankly, it would have been more appealing to be offered the top row. But I have to admit, seats 3 and 4 were good. Only two people to climb over to go to the bathroom.
We really did consider taking the tickets, mostly because my brother will be living in the area come August. Ultimately we let them go, losing our deposit. It's just bad timing for us. It takes almost five hours to get to the stadium from where we live, so that sucks. Coming and going would be the biggest thrash. If we really have to go to a game there's always eBay.