This one is in honor of Jennie, for obvious reasons. When we were getting married M. told everyone who asked that we were honeymooning in Honduras. He did this #1. Because his friends had a terrible reputation for messing with newlyweds and #2. Because he can't resist bullshitting people. The fact of the matter is that we honeymooned in Williamsburg Virginia. But wouldn't you know it, my brother and SIL DID honeymoon in Honduras, five years later.
Their marriage story is kind of interesting. My brother proposed to SIL around Jan. or Feb. timeframe, but knew he was being shipped to Honduras for six months on a humanitarian posting. They decided to go ahead and quietly get hitched so they could get their situation squared away with the Army and work on getting posted together after Honduras. On April 10, 1999 they were married by mom's late boss, the circuit court judge. From our family it was just Mom and Dad and M. and I. A very small and lovely celebration. Eventually SIL was able to visit Bro in Honduras. They chose to honeymoon on Roatan.
It just cracks me up that M's bullshit line eventually came true for my brother.
Oh, the "official" wedding was on Memorial Day Weekend in 2000. That was also a lovely wedding and a great celebration. I never had so much fun dancing and after-partying.