Richmond International Raceway. The NASCAR series comes by twice a year. I attended two races nearly a decade ago. It was fun before the race, but once they start circling the track...ZZZZZZZZ. It's a long race. Some exciting memories include getting Joe Gibb's autograph for Noni and watching some young punk punch a middle-aged woman in the face in the parking lot after the race. The man that was with the woman disappeared for a few minutes and then came back towards where we were sitting toting a gun and looking for the punk. Then a cop comes running with his gun drawn, screaming "Drop your weapon, drop your weapon!" So the dude whose woman was punched got in big trouble and the young punk hid out in some chick's car and got away scot free. We had all been sitting around in lawn chairs drinking and snacking and waiting for our chance to get out of the parking lot when this happened. We had already waited a couple of hours. When the excitement happened we all snuck behind the truck and hid from the people with the guns. We're not stupid.