Surprise! Yeah, it would have been nice to have some warning. M. was standing buck naked in the shower this morning getting ready to turn on the water when I went in to tell him. Because no one let us know, the porch was covered with our furniture and M.'s tools. He threw on some shorts and went outside to start pulling the stuff into the yard. He'd been at it a few minutes when Emma and I left. Later I talked to him on the phone and it was 10:30 a.m. before he got to work. Apparently they stirred up a hornets nest and we didn't have bee spray. M. had to wait for the guy to drive to town and buy spray before he could finish cleaning up his stuff. Then he still needed a shower. He called his mom to cover for him. But all of the hassle he went through this morning could have been avoided with one simple phone call. Asses.
Here's the first days progress.