Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Tuesday shorts
1. I swear my child is not a hippy, BUT...the last couple of days I've dropped her off at the babysitter's barefoot and she was barefoot when I picked her up. I put shoes on her in the morning and by the time we're at Mary's they're on the floor. If I put them back on her before we go in she'll climb right up onto the couch and take them off the minute we're in the door. Mary is usually barefoot and if anyone in the room is barefoot then Emma wants to be barefoot.

2. To answer Walt's question, my brother has been in Germany with his family for three and a half years because of the Army. He's in medical services. He actually arrived in Europe January 2003 and was there for maybe three weeks before they sent him to Iraq for a year. So he kind of got gypped on his Europe tour. His wife is also Army; she's a nurse. They did take advantage of their time in Europe and traveled. I know they hit Austria, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Poland and a few others I can't recall. Now my brother will be working on his masters (for the Army) while SIL returns to clinical nursing. They'll be living in Maryland, right outside DC. We hope to take advantage of their proximity to lots of museums and attractions.

3. To answer Wermit's question, I think Emma and J. didn't get along at first because J. came on a little strong. She so much wanted to play with Emma that she'd crowd her. Emma resisted her advances and they kind of squared off. Because J. is almost four it was hard to make her understand that she'd do better letting Emma come to her. After a certain point Emma got downright peevish when J. came around. I had to fuss at Emma for being mean. They did eventually iron it out a bit.

4. As I'm typing all this Emma is trying to play with the laptop. She's grabbing the screen, pulling out the power cord and doing other annoying things. I turned her around and told her to go play with her toys. A minute later she comes back with a car to drive all over the computer. Sigh.