I sent out Emma's birthday invitations today. It's a family party so don't be offended when yours doesn't arrive. I missed my chance to have really cute ones made by Leslie. I didn't know she was running off for a weeks vacation until it was too late. Bummer. So everyone will be receiving the standard Elmo invites. The party is on Sunday the 8th of October. We'll be celebrating other family birthdays that day too, basically covering August, September and October people. That's only ten people. Yeah.
We've also narrowed down the cake selection. We tried to order the cake from two different customers of my Dad, but one was going away that weekend and the other couldn't do an Elmo cake without us bringing them the Elmo part. Hence, we're doing the Walmart thing. They have three Elmo cakes to choose from. Considering the number of people eating cake, we'll probably be getting two different cakes. We'll have pictures for you in two weeks.