We stopped by the neighbors who live close to the store.
Then we went to throw a couple of rocks into the culvert. The fellow in the picture lives behind the store; his name is Bub. Every time he sees Emma he tries to slip her a dollar or a five-spot.
The library was giving out candy too, so we stopped by there. Just like in Noni-town she wanted to play with the toys. This time we kind of rushed her along because we wanted to stop by the sheriff's office for their goodie bag before it was time for Daddy to close the store.
After those five or six stops we went to Grandma's to watch the other costumed kids come to the door. The turnout was a big disappointment but Emma consoled herself by squirreling away Grandma's candy in her bag.
Then we headed down the road to see Sam. Sam is a 14 year-old who loves to decorate for Halloween and hand out candy to kids. Unfortunately for him he lives in the sticks, out past us. So he is doomed to frustration every year. Last year he
called our house and asked us to bring our 1 year-old down to trick or treat, he was that desperate for visitors.
The one stop we made on the way to Sam's was at our neighbors across the road. Their kids used to always come trick or treat at our house till they outgrew it. We figured we owed them a few visits. That's where we'd disovered that we'd left Emma's bag of candy in town. Oops. The funny thing is that Emma went into the neighbor's house empty-handed and when she came out she was carrying a big plastic pumpkin with candy in it. Score!