Mary's (the babysitter) surgery is over and she's working on mending now. She has a follow-up with her doctor on Wednesday and begins physical therapy in her home on Thursday. Meanwhile, all of the kids can go back to her, except Emma. I'm agonizing over finding child care for her every day. M's mom has been doing it so far, and I don't think she minds it. But I feel like we're imposing.
Emma can't go back because she's the only one who isn't potty trained yet and Mary can't change her diaper one-handed. So there's a practical reason that she's the only one who can't go back. But somehow it still stings a little. There's a perfectly rational reason for it, Mary needs time to heal, she can't physically do the job. But my stupid feelings just don't understand.
The worst part is that it's open-ended right now. We have no idea when she can go back. It could be weeks. Meanwhile I've got an incredibly stressful and demanding event coming up at work. M has buying runs he needs to make, and his Mom is usually the one who covers for him at the store. With her doing the child care it's nearly impossible for M to get his traveling done.
It's no fair to pressure Mary because she can't make it happen any faster than nature will allow. It's just one of those frustrating situations that no one can do anything about. I hate it.