Since I pretty much abandoned your baby book when I started this blog, I want to record this here for you...
Most of the things you say now come out in complete sentences. You are astounding us every day with the things that you say. Daddy was playing with you and you were playing with your Little People house. He said you had a running commentary of what was going on. You were playing with the mommy and you said "Mommy's going to park the car in the house." Sometimes we don't understand every word of a sentence, but you say it so confidently that we know it's just our ignorance preventing us from understanding ;)
Tonight as I was driving home you were watching your Little Einsteins DVD. You were giving me a running narrative of what was happening onscreen. Sometimes you'd even holler out the words to the program before the characters did. You are such a little sponge.
Oh, and the cutest thing happened today. First let me say that you've been driving me mad because when I say "I love you" to you, you never say anything. When Noni says it you reply "I wub you." I made a gripey comment about it the other night to M. The next night when he brought you up from the bath he held you in front of me and said "Now what were you going to tell Mommy." You smiled and said "I wub you."
So today we were sitting at Wendy's and Noni had just walked off to get drink refills. I looked across the table and said "I love you" and winked at you. You said, "I wub you" and scrunched your little face up to wink back. My heart swelled.