Sunday, November 19, 2006
No Hat!
Yesterday when Noni and I were traveling to Leesburg we received a phone call from Popi.

"What am I supposed to do with this turkey?"

"Could you be more specific?"

"She won't wear a hat. I tried to put a toboggan on her and she won't wear it. It's cold outside and her hands and ears are cold. Did you bring her a hat and gloves?"

"Um, yeah, she won't wear a hat except for the SpongeBob baseball hat and I forgot it."

"Well, should I take her outside?"

"Maybe if you let her get cold then she'll want the hat."

"We've already been outside and she is cold and she won't wear the hat. Should I let her go outside without the hat?"

"Your call, dude."

Popi learns that Emma is an independent minded individual who doesn't always do what Mommy wants her to do. Even if it's for her own good. As a matter of fact, here's Emma hollering at us from her hidey-hole when I attempted to put her hat on her today. She did eventually go out with SpongeBob on.