We're on the home stretch. Tonight I'll finish the last bit of baking and put some bows on packages. M is going to wrap all of his gifts tonight. Tomorrow I work until noon and then pick up Emma. We'll come home and I'll start on my giant pile of laundry. I'll also finish packing the presents.
Today at work I received a few gifts, mostly chocolate. Who can complain, right? Except it's feast or famine, man. All this great food comes at you at one time of the year and you can't possibly eat it all. You sure can try like hell, I know I do.
I got my Christmas bonus too. I feel like I should get myself something nice as a Christmas present to me, but I don't know what. I'll certainly wait until after Christmas is over so I don't mess up anyones Christmas present plans. What I'd really like to get is the couch for the living room, but I'd hate to see such a large chunk of the bonus disappear so quickly. I'll have to contemplate it for a while. Couch, couch, couch...
I've really been enjoying all the Christmas cards I've received. My favorites are the ones with pictures. My entertainment center is filling with lots of smiling faces. I'll take a picture of it after mail-call tomorrow, just in case I have any more pictures to add. Then I'll share it with you. I love getting Christmas cards and this has been a good year for it.