The pieces of this play structure have been bungeed to our fence since Popi brought them to us, about a month ago. This is another wonderful hand-me-down from Emma's cousins. Conditions have not been favorable for setting it up, i.e., no time, bad weather, etc.
Today when we got home from Noni and Popi's I found that our house was not quite as warm as it should have been. Our friend who stoked the fire for us didn't quite finish the job. The fire had burned out before the logs really caught. It was 55 degrees outside and 52 degrees in the house. The chill in the house inspired us to spend some playtime with Emma outside.
She finally took notice of all the pieces strapped to the fence and her Daddy immediately started pulling them out and putting them together. We had been worried that it would be challenging to put together since we didn't have the instructions. It turned out that it was very easy to put together. Between the two of us we had it together in less than half an hour. We did have to use some serious elbow grease in places, but it went together nicely. Emma sure did like it.
She's sending kitty down first.