We were up too late last night, all of us. I didn't sleep well at all. I woke up hurting and tired. I even took ten minutes out of my morning routine to go back and lay in bed. When I dropped Emma off at Mary's she was whiny and crying. There was a new girl there and she was thrown off. Oh, and I didn't let her walk up the stairs first so she was in full blown whiner mode. I peeled her off of me and left, desperately wanting to drive straight through town and go on home.
I get to work. I soon discover that the air conditioning isn't working. I look at the thermostat. Some asshat has set it at 65 degrees. Lovely. I go outside and look at the air conditioning innards and they're incased by a solid block of white ice. Nice. I turn off the thermostat and psychologically prepare to swelter in the afternoon.
Then I discover the internet isn't working. Technically it is, but it's clocking at 25 kbps, less than half of dial-up speed. With a network of nine connected computers that's not gonna cut it. I run my diagnostics in house and then end up calling the internet/phone company. They promise to look into it. Joy, now internet is effectively out of business for the day.
I go to the bathroom. The light bulb is out. Gaaaaah! I have to call M and put in an order for him to change it for me when he brings the mail. I can climb a ladder, but even then it's too high.
At the end of the day internet was back. The phone company had to reset something and the manager of the phone company had come by to tell me personally (small towns do have their advantages). The light bulb in the bathroom was fixed. The air conditioner was refusing to come back on. It was completely thawed out, but the fan wouldn't kick on. Brilliant!
I took my whiny kid and my whiny self home after work and said forget it to the fair tonight. We need rest. We'll give it a go tomorrow night.
BTW, fair parade, rides and tons of fun with pictures occured last night but I'm too tired and ornery to blog it. So there.