She's directly responsible for Popi and two of the commenters on this blog. She's indirectly responsible for me and Emma. So basically you can blame her ;)
I took this picture this weekend in my brother's "magic corner." We had a large family gathering at his house on Saturday and shared a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. I took on the little project of asking each person in the family to sit for a photo for me in the corner. I was relying entirely on natural light so results varied depending on the cloud cover. Amazingly, everyone cooperated. They were very gracious about letting me practice my photography on them. My dear grandmother even stepped away from the sacred Virginia Tech vs. Virginia football game for her short session. I'm sure she was exasperated but she was cooperative and indulged me. Hers is not just a passing interest in that football game, she's an alumnus of Virginia Tech from back when women were a rarity there. That's where she met my grandfather.
My overriding goal in this project was to collect THE picture of Emma for our Christmas card. Unfortunately that was a big FAIL. But here are a few photos that redeemed my efforts.