Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I found out today that my ex-father-in-law died. Apparently they had moved away to Maryland years ago after he retired from his job. From the obituary I gleaned that he had been in a nursing home and then in hospice care. He was only 69 so it had to have been a debilitating illness. Cancer? Alzheimer's? I have no idea. I hadn't seen him since 1993.

How do I feel about it? I don't really know. A chapter in my life that was pretty much closed is now more closed. I liked my ex's family but his Dad was odd, to me, and in retrospect I'm not sure how I felt about him. I had insider knowledge of the character of the man that I'm not sure he knew about. First-hand info. So I'm ambivalent. I know I liked my ex-mother-in-law.

Anyway, I am sorry for the family because it appears that the end must have been difficult. The thought occurred to me that he's with his son now (my ex) but then on second thought he's probably not.