Here are the photos of last night's temporary set-up for the TV. Even though it was only for one night, M screwed the base down to the table and secured the TV with a strap to the entertainment center. Today he is working on modifying the entertainment center. I did a lot of investigating online and it would be really expensive to replace the entertainment center with something that would work. M thinks he can modify ours with no problem.
I've been feeling a bit queasy today about all the money I spent yesterday. M is delighted, of course. He thinks it was the wisest thing to invest in a better brand name. I'm just missing my money already ;) I'm sure seeing the thing with actual HD service will make me feel a bit better.
I called Dish Network this morning and had a little chat with them. I think I was talking to someone in India until I mentioned how we were considering the awesome come-ons from Direct TV. Then she switched me to an "account specialist" here in the good 'ole USA. My thinking was that eleven years of being a loyal customer to Dish Network ought to count for something. He agreed. The upgrade will be totally free for us. No cost for the machine or the installers to come out here. We also get the six months free HD. Woo hoo! The best part was that they can come install it Wednesday morning. That means that M should be able to watch the Orange Bowl in high definition. He's stoked.