Tuesday, January 08, 2008
More nice people...
Krista of BrianandKrista.com is a Canadian living in the United States while her husband pastors a church here. I enjoy Krista very much. The thing that I find so interesting about her is that she's first and foremost herself. On our mommy board she's not "the minister's wife," she's Krista. You might never know what her husband does for a living if you didn't pay attention, over time. That's not to say she hides her light under a bushel. I've discerned that she's very strong in her faith and it is a large part of her life. She is in no way holier-than-thou, she's very humble in her faith. People often have unrealistic expectations of a pastor's wife and I know the pressure on her can be intense at times. But she doesn't complain. She's a devoted mommy to her son, Josh. She advocates for him and makes sure he's well taken care of in all situations. She's a faithful and patient wife to her husband and a true partner. It was from Krista that I learned that pastors and their wives "do it" because they like it, too. Shocking ;)

I don't know Jessica at Cupcakes and Cowboys very well so I'm afraid she'll get short shrift here. She's obviously madly in love with her little cowboy, and her big cowboy. She's always doing little projects with her son and spending time enjoying him. I envy her motivation and organizational skills. She plans a weeks worth of meals in advance! She seems like a very upbeat person and someone who would be fun to be around. I appreciate Jessica and a few others on my blog roll like her who come here even though they have no real connection to me, be it in real life or on the mommy board. I feel like I've won a friend. Jackpot!

Jen of Every Useless Reason is my bud. We've even met (even though I had to bribe her with pure maple syrup). We forged a bond early on and continue to bug each other with the minutiae of our daily lives. Jen's my bitch, and she gets to be pink, always. Jen amazes me with her strength to persevere despite numerous setbacks. Not that things don't get her down or bug her, but she always picks herself up and moves forward for the sake of her family. She's a very hands on and involved mom, even having circle time with her toddler sons. She also provides me a preview of the challenges of raising a girl who's growing up way too fast. She's a mama lion when anyone messes with her kids and I wouldn't want to be the fool who did something dumb like that. She and I have a similar sense of snark and she cracks my ass up sometimes. She has an incomprehensible (to me) attachment to the Bare Naked Ladies and never gives up trying to win me over. I enjoyed it when she used to blog because she could be counted on to bring the drama, without ever being mean or hateful about it. I'll always be glad she let me be the one who got to torture the mommy board ladies who were waiting breathlessly to find out the sex of her last child. Rock on, sister!
