(Emma's cousins are staying with Noni over spring break while their mom is in school and their dad is overseas. Emma is visiting Wed. - Sat.)
Hi Again Mommy and Daddy,
I'm having so much fun with my cousins again. Thank you for letting me come to Noni and Popi's again.
Noni is sending a picture from last night of M, J and I after we had our baths and were playing with M's new Barbie with dogs set. It was fun and we got along really well. After that Popi, M, and I played Dora Memory Game. I won!!!!!
Today when we got up Noni said it was going to be a pajama morning. We could watch some shows and play and didn't have to get dressed until it was time to go to town. YEA!!!! I like pajama days. We watched a few shows and then we played some more. After lunch Noni ran a couple of errands and then we went to the Children's Museum. You know, Mommy and Daddy, each time I go I like it more and more. I was very busy running around buying my groceries and putting them in my house. Then C and I played in the barn and M, J and I put on costumes and played on the stage. We did a quick show before we had to leave. Noni said we were there for two and a half HOURS. Man, that was really fun.
On the way home Noni treated us all to Slurpees. I liked it. It tasted good, but I couldn't finish the whole thing. Noni said that was OK.
We came home and played some more. I put together a new puzzle Noni had bought.
We waited on the deck for Popi to come home while Noni was grilling steaks. Yum, yum, you know how much I like steaks. We girls called Popi on his phone and hollered at him to "hurry home!!!". We did it really, really loud. We were all there to greet him when he pulled in the driveway. That's really special for him because I don't think Noni does that for him every day.
Supper was scrumptious and I ate a very good supper. In fact, Mommy and Daddy, Noni told Popi at supper that we couldn't believe how well we all ate today. We had a very good breakfast and ate it all, then a very good lunch and ate it all and then a very good supper of steak, baked potatoes and green beans and ate almost all of it. It was a lot!
After supper we went over the neighbor's swing and played until it got dark and Noni said we had to come in.
Mommy and Daddy, you would be so proud of me for today. I ate very good at each meal, I played really, really nice with J, M and C and I used my big girl voice almost all day. I think I slipped once or twice, but Noni reminded me that that wasn't the way big girls are supposed to talk. I tried really hard not to whine and I did pretty good.
It's time for bed! I love you and miss you, but I'm having a really fun, fun time with my cousins.
Nighty night.
I love you a bushel and a peck, a hug around the neck, a barrel and a heap, talking in my sleep about YOU!!!!!!!