Sunday, March 16, 2008
Emma's Report - Sunday
Hi Again, Mommy and Daddy!!

I know I'll see you later this afternoon, but I just wanted to share with you what we've done today at Noni and Popi's.

First I need to tell you what we did last night after I sent you my letter. Noni surprised me and asked me if I wanted to make brownies for you. Of course I said yes. You know how much Daddy and I like chocolate. I was a big helper. Noni has this really neat step stool I can stand on and it puts me right at counter top level. She put all the ingredients in the bowl and then I stirred it really, really good. That was hard work. Then I helped her put it in the pan and it looked so good. Noni put it in the oven and then we waited. But I have to tell you that I did lick the spatula. (You'll see the pictures Noni sent of my chocolate face) I was supposed to do that, wasn't I, Mommy and Daddy? That chocolate was so yummy. Oh, the house smelled so good while they were cooking. After I took my bath and put my pajamas on, Noni said I could sample the brownies to be sure they tested real good for you. They were excellent! I had warm brownies and a glass of nice cold milk. That was a good bedtime snack. I wrapped 2 brownies in a napkin and Noni fixed a glass of milk and we took them downstairs to Popi. He seemed so happy to get his snack too. Oh, and he shared some of his brownies with me too!! Noni had a special dish to put the brownies on for you and you'll see it when we're together. (She took pictures of that too!)

I slept really good last night. It was almost 8:30 when Noni came in my room and I opened my eyes. I told Noni I felt better, but I was just a little bit sick still. So she gave me more medicine so I could keep feeling good the whole day. My nose is not running nearly as much today.

We had a yummy breakfast of pancakes and bacon and orange juice and milk. I ate a very good breakfast (according to Noni and Popi), and I was very good and waited until Popi had finished his breakfast before I got down from the table. See Mommy and Daddy, I'm learning my manners.

Popi played puzzles with me after breakfast. Noni gave me this really cool coloring book and Noni did a picture for me, Popi did a picture for me and then I did some pictures myself. I'll show them to you when I see you later on. (She took pictures of that too!).

Noni has pictures of my cousins on her dresser in these neat frames. When you push a button the frame, you can hear my cousin say a special message to Noni and Popi. I took all three frames into the living room and had Popi sit on the floor beside me and I told him a story with every frame. Noni was really proud of me. She thought that was pretty creative (whatever that means).

We went out for a while and the first place we went was to Kohl's. Popi thought that since I had a cold and my shirt was real open at the neck that I should probably have a tee shirt on. He bought me some in the boys' department because there weren't any in the girls' department. They were a little big for me, but I put one on and it made Popi a whole lot happier. He said he'd save the rest for my cousins since they would probably fit them better.

Next, we went to the Farm and Family Store. I had SO MUCH FUN!!!! I crawled on every single yard tractor, on the 4-wheelers and the carts. I even got Popi to get on the carts with me. I tried out all of them. They were pretty neat. You know how much I like tractors. There was a go-kart outside and I had to try that out too.

Noni wanted to go to Lowe's to look for a lamp, so that was our next stop. We went all over the store and looked at lot of things. Popi bought me my very own little cup with dirt and a watermelon seed in it. If you help me, Mommy and Daddy, I can put water in the cup and we can watch the seed begin to grow and when it gets too big for the cup, we can plant it in our garden. That would be fun to watch a watermelon plant grow.

We went to my favorite place, McDonald's for lunch and I ate all my chicken nuggets except for one. Popi shared his french fries with me. After I finished eating what Noni thought was a good lunch I got to wear my new Princess crown that came with my meal.

Now I'm watching a show and we'll be leaving pretty soon to see you. I missed you and I'm really, really excited about seeing you and going home to see Beaker, Jake and KiKi. Please travel safely to get me and I'm going to give you a big hug and kiss when I see you.

I love you a bushel and a peck, a hug around the neck, a barrel and a heap, talking in my sleep about YYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU!

