M came home for the day at lunchtime so he could saw and split wood. Our wood pile is getting low. When we got home he took a break to play with Emma in the yard for a little bit. I decided to get on the treadmill and asked him to set her up with a show when they came back in so I could keep exercising. He did as I asked. He also got her some crackers for snack.
I'd been on the treadmill for twenty-five minutes or so when Emma came in wanting more crackers. To make her plea more persuasive she'd brought in a tube of unopened crackers from the box. While continuing to walk I popped open the tube and handed her five crackers. I handed her the tube and asked her to put it back in the kitchen.
Twenty-five minutes later I walk into the living room as I'm cooling down. I look at her and she's all cozy on the couch with an
empty tube of crackers in her lap. W.T.F? Did this child just eat a whole tube of crackers???
I started fussing at her and she told me she ate them. Then a few minutes later she said she gave some to the dogs too. I have no idea what to believe.
The consequences were that she got fussed at and her shows were turned off. That set off a long hysterical fit, but we eventually made up. I ended up reading books to her for a while until supper.