Some moments of motherhood are so sublime you know you'll always remember them, and usually it's the small things.
I was working on a website for someone, doing the tedious chore of resizing, editing and uploading photos for a photo gallery. Emma often finds things "I have to see" when I'm deeply involved in working on something. Sure enough, after playing up in her room for a long while she came down and told me she had something to show me upstairs. I asked her to please wait a minute while I saved what I was working on. She was persistent and really wanted me to come see her surprise. I sighed and dragged my butt out of the chair to go upstairs and see what she'd done. I was figuring she'd set her table for supper or some such. I followed her up the stairs and as she rounded the corner she said, "Ta da! I cleaned up my room."
I was stunned. She has never, ever cleaned up her room. If we ask her to clean she feigns sudden incapacitation and protests mightily. She can be a real drama queen when it comes time to clean up.
But when I looked around she had actually picked up her toys and put them in their proper bins and put them away. I was in shock. I praised her repeatedly and made sure she knew how much I appreciated what she'd done. I'm still feeling a glow from that one.