Which is what I'd like to have said, however, it went more like this...
Today at work I encountered one of the least popular women in the whole county. She's a minister's wife who is notorious for saying the wrong thing, and she's generally unfriendly too. As long as I've know her I've known her reputation but managed to remain unperturbed at her comments.
Today I helped her out and when we were about to part ways she said that she'd been watching some show and there was a girl on there who had done Weight Watchers and they showed her Before and After pictures. The girl looked really good and was modeling a bikini in the pictures.
Then she says, "You ought to do that. You did Weight Watchers once and it worked for you. If you can't do the meetings you can do it online."
A red mist exploded in front of my eyes and I managed, "Well as it happens I'm doing it right now and have lost 14 lbs. but it doesn't exactly all come off at once."
As she headed for the door she kept stepping all over it. All I could think was "Begone, woman!"