Name five things I love about myself...
(I've thought about this one a lot and still can't come up with much. I'm tired of pondering it so I'm just going to wing it)
1. I love that I was blessed with some creativity and some artistic talent. I've always loved to draw. I used to create my own Christmas cards and color them. I started doing that in middle school. Unfortunately the computer has diverted my creative talents and I don't do much with my hands anymore.
2. I love the fact that I was blessed with some intelligence and intellectual curiosity. I can't remember where I first heard the quote "Life is difficult when you're stupid." I'm glad that I avoided that fate. Not that I'm a MENSA genius, but I've got enough smarts to get by.
3. I love that I have dogged determination when it comes to solving a problem. I like to work things straight through.
4. I love that I recognize the value of family, now, while it's still meaningful. As opposed to people who don't realize what they had until it's gone.
5. I love my sense of humor. It's pretty broad. People will find that it's easy to tickle my funny bone.
(I changed the last one, in case you got it on the RSS feed. I had #5 in mind and forgot it when I got to #3. Once I was done with the list I remembered it.)
6. I love having a mind like a steel sieve.