1. The pool is up, the front porch is cleared off, we're ready for summer. Any time now...
2. Emma is in an adversarial mood lately. I'm getting a lot of talking back. Blech. Which means we butt heads a lot. And then there are the completely irrational outbursts. Like this morning when she wanted me to turn the car around and drive home to get her different shoes because she didn't like her new sandals.
3. We've begun moving our starter plants to the garden. Most of our little starter cups came up so we'll have a nice head start.
4. I was off from work yesterday. I had a broken tooth and had to get an emergency dentist visit in. Thankfully I'm all repaired and ready to chew again.
5. I'll be off from work again Friday. I have some vacation days to burn up before the end of June. Emma and I will go see Noni and Popi. By the weekend it will have been three weeks since we've seen them.
6. I thought I lost my Palm Pilot today. I hate that ;)
7. I'm working on having my foot fixed. I've had something buried in it for five or six years now and it was finally getting to the point where it was painful. The doc froze off the first layer of skin last week. Thursday I go back for the digging. Fun! Can't wait! Pffffft. It sucks because I haven't been able to walk on my treadmill. Waaaaah. I just hope the thing heals nicely so I can resume my regular summer plans.