Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Update on the foot
This was my follow-up after the last demoralizing visit. This one went much better. He agreed that the wound looked pretty good. He finally answered one question that had been nagging me. What was the gray stuff in the middle of the wound. He said it looked like a dead vein from when he had cauterized the wound earlier. Good to know. He cut away some dead skin and tried to get the dead vein too. Unfortunately when he started poking at my wound with pointy tweezers and scissors I jumped. Bad. Now my wound is bleeding and sore again. Pfffffft.

It had been doing so well that yesterday I walked on my treadmill for the first time in nearly a month. I only did it for thirty minutes because I didn't want to aggravate the wound right before seeing the doctor. It went pretty well. I was trying to alleviate the stiffness I've developed in my left hip from walking funny for weeks. Lordy, I'll be so glad when this thing is healed up and done.

He didn't schedule any more appointments. He just said to call him back in a few weeks and let him know how it turned out. If it ever gets bad again we'll take a more aggressive course of treatment. I'm hoping that won't be necessary.