It's been planned for months. It is so hard for us to find time when both of us can go over the mountains together that dates are usually more trouble than they're worth. In this case the special occasion was the release of The Dark Knight. I've said that there are only two must-see movies this year, The Dark Knight and Quantum of Solace. We wisely (I think) skipped the release weekend and waited for the crowds to get their first look at the new Batman. We went to the last matinée of the day on Saturday.
I enjoyed the movie a lot. I'm having a hard time coming up with a final verdict. I thought Bale was yummy as usual. Heath Ledger created a memorable joker, truly menacing and funny at times, an odd combination. I'm sure I'll see it again when it comes out on DVD. Then I might be able to see it all the way through without missing good stuff for a bathroom break.
I may have to add a third movie to my must-see list. A movie version of the Twilight books is coming out in December. I'll have to see what the buzz on that movie is before I commit to adding it to my list.
After the movie we went to Applebee's so I could choose something off the Weight Watchers menu. I was disappointed that they didn't have the meal available that I had enjoyed so much two years ago. I ordered Cajun talapia which was actually quite good. It pays to try something new once in a long while.
Our hot date was done by 8:30 p.m. We visited with Noni and Popi for a little bit and then took Emma home. It's nice to have babysitters right where all the action is. Thanks, Noni and Popi!