Oh, hell yeah, I'll be watching Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican National Convention tonight. I have been aghast at the evisceration this woman has endured in the press. The blog world and the mainstream media share a big fat black eye over the travesty that they were passing off as reporting this weekend. So many printed lies and have been retracted already that I can't even count them. Unfortunately, people don't remember the corrections; the original lie sticks and it becomes the accepted meme.
I'm not going to debate her merits as a candidate in this post. I read her bio on
Wikipedia on Friday and since then have spent countless hours reading the words of her critics and cheerleaders. My first impression was, "Wow." But then I quickly realized that all her bona fides weren't going to matter nearly as much as how she conducts herself between now and election day. So tonight will be the first real test.
One thing that has been reinforced to me this weekend is if you want to know the truth of the thing, watch it with your own eyes.
P. S. I can't wait to see Guiliani too. He's one ball-buster of a speaker. I'd lay odds on him having a few choice words...