Last Friday night Emma was munching on her one piece of candy a day from her parade stash. I think she was trying to work on a Now & Later. We made the off-hand comment that the sugar in candy was bad for her. She sat there looking stunned. She had no idea sugar was supposed to be bad for her. We explained that brushing her teeth was so important because sugar was bad for them. She declared that she wasn't going to eat candy anymore. O-kaaaaay.
The next day on the drive over to Noni and Popi's the topic came up again. She was repeating the same declarative sentence. "I'm not eating candy anymore." We had a much longer discussion about why candy is bad for you, why we stress how important it is to brush her teeth, and what foods are good for you instead. She was soaking it up. When we arrived at Noni and Popi's she immediately launched into an oral dissertation on why candy is bad for you. I'm sure Noni and Popi were bemused.
I didn't give it that much thought until tonight. After dinner we gave her pudding. As she's eating it I had to break it to her that pudding has sugar in it too. She stopped eating and looked completely repulsed. I rushed to assure her that it would be all right if we were sure to brush her teeth. Then she wanted to know if ice cream has sugar. Well, yes. Anything sweet and good will probably have sugar.
I think I'm ruining her life already.