1. I had the day off today and spent it tidying up and decorating the house for Christmas. I have tons more work to do in the tidying department, but meanwhile my house at least looks festive. I hope to get our tree up by this Sunday.
2. I just switched my car insurance and saved over $400 a year. When I bought my Hyundai I called my insurance agent prior to making a decision about buying. Instead of looking up my premiums on the vehicle I was asking about he just guesstimated. His laziness cost him my business because he guessed around $600-$700. When I received the actual bill it was over $1000. This for a person with a spotless driving record and no accidents in over five years. I went to insurance through my credit union. I'm hoping I made the right move.
3. On Saturday I'll have at least five boxes of stuff for Goodwill. It's a start.
4. I love my new recliner in the computer room. M rearranged it and it sits at a better angle now. Can't wait to have a baby to cuddle in that chair.
5. I'm mostly done with my Christmas shopping. I think I suceeded in cutting back on my spending. I'm hoping no one will feel particularly deprived.
6. We watched "
Tropic Thunder" last night. I laughed my ass off. It was a very quoteworthy movie. I will say I was glad I didn't sit down and watch it with
my neighbors. I would have been way to self-conscious to enjoy it as much as I did.
7. Right now simultaneously reading "
Choosing Civility: The Twenty-five Rules of Considerate Conduct" and re-reading C. S. Lewis's "
Mere Christianity." I'm trying to refocus my energy away from my selfish needs and more onto those around me. These books are helping.
8. I'm without a doubt feeling "the quickening." I've had moments where I've wondered for the last several weeks but then I always think...maybe it's gas. This week I'm sure I'm feeling the baby move. I particularly enjoy this part of pregnancy.