We went to the pediatrician for the first time yesterday. And I mean the first time. We've always taken Emma to the local medical center for her checkups. They do Family Medicine so she's never really seen a pediatrician. Recently I learned that there was an actual honest-to-God pediatrician within 35 miles of our home. I debated a while and then decided, based on the recommendations of some very large families, that I'd try this pediatrician to the north.
I'm so glad I did. What a world of difference. It always bugged me at the medical center the indifferent ways the nurses would weigh and measure Emma when she was an infant. Don't they realize that new moms live and die by growth charts??? This pediatrician was thorough. Ask Noni. She sat in the waiting room with Emma for an hour and 45 minutes. I swear at least and hour and fifteen of those minutes was the pediatrician interviewing me on my pregnancy, my delivery, and Jack's health status. I learned so many things that I hadn't been told at the hospital. I really think I'm going to like having an actual children's doctor caring for my baby this time. Thank goodness Emma has been healthy as a horse, poor thing. I wish I'd known then what I know now and she'd have gotten better care all along.
Our next appointment for Jack is for his 14 day follow-up. The doctor thinks Jack is a little bit jaundiced so he'll be keeping his eye on that. If it doesn't improve Jack will be in for the heel stick.